Have you ever wanted to have as much control over your love life as you do throughout your career? You do! By using five solid business practices, including planning, networking, and advertising, you can be as successful in your private life as you are;

They are not the same. The strategic objectives are what you want to achieve, the tactical objectives are HOW you will achieve it. Let’s start with strategic planning. What do you want? Marriage? A partner to help you raise children from a previous relationship? A sexy adventure in the short term? Be very clear in your mind what you are looking for and do not let other people’s expectations influence you. His mother may be persecuting him to produce grandchildren, but that is HIS goal. What’s yours? Once you know what you want, you can begin to implement tactics to achieve it.

Let’s say you want marriage. Tactically, you can increase your chances of success by spending your time with people who want the same. So, sign up for an online dating membership, spend your nights on singles nights instead of glued to the TV, and stop hanging out with people who say they’re not looking for something “serious.” Do not skip the planning stage: entrepreneurs know that the more specific the objective, the easier it will be to reach it.

“It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.” Do not hide the fact that you are single and you are looking for love. When a company is looking to expand, it does not move furtively, announces for the new staff. Adopt that same attitude. Put images on your profile that are visible to everyone. If someone you know recognizes you online, fine! Maybe they introduce you to your good friend or invite you out. Do not hide in a group of friends; Go out alone and dine at the bar of a lively restaurant. It’s fun, and you’ll be more accessible alone than you would be a platonic companion regretting your individual status. Tell your friends that you like to be introduced to new people. Mark the status of your Facebook relationship as unique and make it visible to everyone. It is possible that people do not invite you because they believe that someone as beautiful as you MUST have a partner. Let them know you are in the market.

Just as you carry business cards with you for work, consider printing personal cards, giving your name and phone number. Keep them simple and elegant, and carry them in your pocket when you go to parties, Match.com Nights or wherever you meet new people. When you have especially enjoyed speaking to someone, give them one of your cards when you say goodbye, and add that you would love to keep in touch. If they want you, they will call you.

When a company is in trouble, it does not publish the fact. Do the same in your personal life. If you are struggling with debt, family problems, stress or just a general feeling of unhappiness, do not trust everyone you meet, talk about it at work or wait on Facebook. Air complains only about a handful of close friends or professional assistance such as counselors or doctors. For the rest of the world, stay quiet. Try to appear on top of things. Talking about problems becomes addictive and can hook up with the sympathy of others. Only a few crises are required before people consider it depressing to be around and start avoiding it. As much as possible, look cheerful. Research has shown that the more you talk to acquaintances and strangers in a positive way, the happier you feel. And happiness is hot.

In the same way that you would read the commercial press for your industry or maintain trends, you must stay informed about the business of love. Set up Google Alerts for news about dating, read the latest relationship books. Catch up on the psychology of attraction by reading science blogs, watch shows about couples on television. Ask your happiest married friends how they met, download the newest dating apps. To be up to date! Focus your attention on what you want and drastically increase your chances of finding it. Do not leave it to fate, but maximize your chances of success. As Goethe said: “Whatever you can do or dream about, you can begin it.” Audacity has genius, power, and magic in it.